
When you create a design with images and text in InDesign you create a document that is depending on linked content. Any font or image you use is not saved in your working document, but instead is linked to from within your document. So when you wish to save everything as a transferable collection, you need to create a so-called package.

Time: 15 minutes

Continue from the previous exercise


  1. With your document opened in Indesign, choose Window > Links. Check if this palette shows any linked content.
  2. Check if any yellow exclamation marks are shown on the links. If so, update the link location.
  3. Now select File > Package
  4. In the Save Dialog, select the following options:
    This will create a folder.
  5. Right-click the folder and select compress files. This creates a ZIP file of the folder.
  6. Save the ZIP file on a personal device (ie. not the academy computers) so you can continue working on it next time.


  • None

Hand in

  • None, however make sure to save your documents somewhere you are able to access them in the future.
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