The first thing we need to design is an outline for the graphic identity that will be used in our visual communication for the upcoming open day. This identity contains the following elements:
- Font
- Type(s)
- Sizes
- Headings
- Color scheme
- One, two or three colors
- Logo / word mark
- Vector
- Layout-guideline for
- Poster portrait
- Poster landscape
Each team will design an identity guideline for each of the above elements. Use the appropriate software and make sure to save your layout-templates as INDD, AI or PSD files. Store these in a location you will be able to access in the weeks ahead.
- Start with some inspiration online: use google to collect a couple of designs you like and want to use as a base or a guideline to find your own idea.
- Set up a postersize document in InDesign or Illustrator. Use Illustrator if you want to go graphical and do a lot of effects/transorming etc.. And use InDesign to do more of combining text/image layout work. Photoshop and InDesign also go well together.
- Start designing a poster that contains the following elements:
- Graphic (this can really be any shape or line)
- Text (Fonttype, three sizes)
- Color (limit yourself to a certain color scheme)
- KABK Logo
- IAFD Open Day Logo (this one you design yourself)
- Layout (placement of elements, margins, relative sizes, etc)
- It might be helpful to do a full design, and afterwards decide what are your graphic identity elements or ‘rules’.
- Think of these rules as guidelines for the design of a series of posters.
For example:
“Use only these three specific colors: x, y, z”
“Keep a left margin of 20% pagewidth to all header-texts”
“Always incorporate this (supplied) graphic element in a minimum size of half the pageheight”
“Devide half of the page in two quarter segments”
“Only use squares that differ in scale with a factor of two thirds”
etcetera - When you have your design done, translate it to a different orientation:
- If you chose to do a portrait poster in in step 3, then go with landscape and vice versa.
- Make a different design but use the design rules in step 5 to keep it consistent.
- Now you have three designs: poster portait, poster landscape and the logo.
- Save these as JPG’s on your computer.
- Open up photoshop and create a 1600×1200 pixel document (landscape).
- Place (drop n drag) these JPG’s in the document.
- Resize and order the images into a presentable image
- Save this image as a JPG and hand it in through Dropbox.
- Write down what rules you can describe based on your design like the examples in step 5.
- Use a simple text document for this and upload it to Dropbox as well.
- Presentation: Graphic Identity
- Example: 2017 Open Day Graphic Identity Guideline
Hand In
- Hand in one 1600×1200 pixel JPG that is a presentation of your graphic identity design (do not put your name in the image). This image contains designs of each of these elements:
- Poster portrait
- Poster landscape
- IAFD Open Day Logo
- Also, write down what design rules are part of the graphic identity in a text document.
Upload this text document and the image to Dropbox.
Deadline: Tuesday November 27th 2017 at 23:59 hours.