
A mockup is a presentation – image of a product that does not (yet) exist. You are going to create a mockup of one of your works using a downloaded template.  Below you can see examples of the enormous amount of templates you can find online.

Time: 30 minutes


First, choose an image (from you photo albums) or a design (poster/ postcard/logo) and determine the aspect ratio (width and height ratio) of your work.

Now search for a mockup template that corresponds (as much as possible) to this ratio, in order to make it fit nicely. (I’ve added a square booklet template below under Sources).

There are many sites that offer free mockup-templates for magazines, posters, websites, mugs, caps, t-shirts, etc. Make sure you are searching for free templates for Photoshop (PSD).

  1. Download the right template (check the links below) and open it in Photoshop.
  2. Find the layer that will hold your work (this is a Smart Object). Open it by doubleclicking it. This opens the smart object as a seperate file.
  3. Inside this file you copy-paste your own work. Save it when you’re done.
  4. Return to the mockup-template and if all is fine, the Smart Object now has your design.
  5. Save this image as a JPG and upload it to Dropbox.

For more experienced photoshop enthusiasts: if you dislike the commercial look of these prefab template images; feel free to try and create your own template with smart objects!

Hand In

Please hand in a JPG of your mockup and the original image that you’ve used in the mockup.


Please note: as with all ‘free’ stuff online, you might end up in a maze of redirects, adverts and login requests. It sometimes requires a trained eye to find the actual download you’re after.

Or these paid options:


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