In this exercise you will model a very simple chair. It takes only a couple of tools to build this: the rectangle tool and the extrude tool. When the model is done you can pick a nice texture for it.
Time: 45 minutes
Below you can see the steps i take to create this chair (sorry… no sound).
- Create a new file in Sketchup (File > New)
- Select the human figure and press delete.
- Now select the Rectangle Tool (R).
- Draw a horizontal square on the floor and use the Extrude tool to give it some thickness. This will be the seat.
- Select the Rectangle tool to draw a smaller square from a corner on the topside of the seat. Extrude this square to the height of the backside.
- Repeat this for the second post.
- Connect the two posts at the top by drawing a square on the post (on the side facing the other post) and extruding it to the other post.
- Extrude a smaller square halfway up the post and connect it to the other post.
- Now triple-click the object to select it.
- Select the Move tool and move the object upwards for the length of the legs.
- Draw an equal sized small square on each corner of the bottom side of the seat and extrude these towards the ground.
- Connect the front two legs to the back two legs by drawing a smaller square halfway up the leg and extruding this.
- Select View > Shadows to turn on sunlight.
- Go to Window > Default Tray and make sure Hide tray is unchecked and Materials is checked.
- In the materials palette on the right you can find many different materials. Pick one and your cursor changes into a fill-icon. Click the chair object to apply the texture.
- When you are done, choose the perfect camera angle.
- Select File > Export > 2D Graphic, set the filetype to JPG and save it.
Materials needed:
- None
Hand In
Save your work as a JPG and upload it to Dropbox.